Support Bulletin: 5170 Rev. C

This document contains instructions on disabling Racore's Flash ROM. There are two methods that can be used to disable the Flash ROM.

The first method utilizes the built in functions of the Flash based adapters. Therefore, it is the preferred method. This method frees up the area previously used by the Flash ROM for use by memory managers and other devices needing ROM space. Instructions for this method are contained in the "Disabling Flash ROM via Hardware Switches" section of this document.

The second method requires editing a binary file with DEBUG or other file editing utility. This method only disables the ROM utility and does not free up any memory. If this method is used, the memory space occupied by the Racore NIC must not be conflicting with any other devices and must be excluded from use by any memory managers. Instructions for this method can be found in the Modifying ROMSTART.ROM to Disable Flash ROM" section of this document.

NOTE: If you are using the OS/2 ODI Driver, RTR16NW.OS2, or the dedicated DOS IPX driver, IPX.COM, you must disable Flash ROM by modifying the, binary file, ROMSTART.ROM See - "Modifying ROMSTART.ROM to Disable Flash ROM"

Disabling Flash ROM via Hardware Switches (Preferred Method)

1. Set the card's ROM Address setting to Disabled. This can be accomplished by following the instructions in the manual accompanying your card or in the appropriate section below:

M8116 and M8118 - Run the Micro Channel Setup/Reference Program, and select Change Configuration. Highlight the ROM Address setting for the Racore NIC and change it to Disabled.

M8117 and M8119 - Move Switch 4 on Bank 2 to the ON position.

2. If you will be using one of the following drivers,

Novell DOS ODI Client RTR16ODI.COM
IBM LAN Server and OS/2 (NDIS) RTR16NDS.OS2
Microsoft LAN Manager OS/2 (NDIS) RTR16LM.OS2
Microsoft LAN Manager DOS (NDIS) RTR16LM.DOS

copy the RTR16LLC.COD file from the DIAGS subdirectory of the Racore Driver Diskette to the ROOT directory of your startup diskette and to the same subdirectory as your driver.

3. Edit the appropriate configuration file to add a user supplied node address. Replace the 111111111111 in the following examples with an appropriate node address.

For the DOS ODI driver, modify the NET.CFG file as follows:
Link Driver RTR16ODI
Port A20
Node Address 111111111111 <- ADD

For the DOS and OS/2 NDIS drivers, modify the PROTOCOL.INI file as follows:

DriverName = RTRLM$
IOAddress = 0xA20
NetAddress = "111111111111" <- ADD

For the Novell server driver, modify the AUTOEXEC.NCF file as follows:

LOAD RTR16386 Port=A20 Node=111111111111 <- ADD

For the ASI driver, modify the CONFIG.SYS file as follows:

Device=DXMA0MOD.SYS 001
Device=RTR16ASI.SYS /C /A111111111111 <- ADD

NOTE: If you are will be using the IBM LAN Support (ASI) driver, RTR16ASI.SYS, you must also add the command line parameter /C to the DEVICE=RTR16ASI.SYS line in the CONFIG.SYS file.

Modifying ROMSTART.ROM to Disable Flash ROM

1. Make a backup copy of your ROMSTART.ROM file. This file is located in the DIAGS subdirectory of the Racore Driver Diskette.


2. Edit the ROMSTART.ROM file using DEBUG or other hex/binary file editing utility. Change the first byte in the file from 55 to AA. Change the second byte in the file from AA to 55. A sample

DEBUG editing session is located in Appendix A.

3. Run MKFLASH to program the new ROMSTART.ROM file in the Flash ROM of the card.

Appendix A (Sample DEBUG Editing Session)

1. Invoke DEBUG.

A:\DIAGS>debug romstart.rom

2. Dump the contents of the file to the screen by typing d at the hyphen prompt.


257B:0100 55 AA 10 E9 83 0E 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

257B:0110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01-00 00 10 00 10 00 00 00

257B:0120 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 00-00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00

257B:0130 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

257B:0140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

257B:0150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

257B:0160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

257B:0170 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 9F-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

3. Edit the first byte.

A. Type e followed by the address and offset of the first byte to bring up the edit prompt.

B. At the edit prompt (ex. 257B:0100 55.), enter AA.

-e 257B:0100

257B:0100 55.AA

4. Edit the second byte.

A. Type e followed by the address and offset of the second byte to bring up the edit prompt.

B. At the edit prompt, enter 55.

-e 257B:0101

257B:0101 AA.55

5. Enter w at the hyphen prompt to write the changes to, disk.


Writing 02000 bytes

6. Enter q at the hyphen prompt to quit DEBUG.
