Support Bulletin: 5140 Rev: A

Symptoms: Computer locks at boot, Floppy drive spins, or Flash does not work correctly.

Software: N/A

Hardware: Racore Token Ring Network Adapters with Flash ROM and PCs with variable boot sequences. Solution: Update the Flash ROM utility, ROMSTART.ROM.

1. Obtain ROMSTART.ROM version 1.4 or higher. This can be done by calling Racore's Technical Support Department at (801) 973-9779 or by downloading the file NEWROM.EXE from Racore's

BBS, (801) 973-4228.

2. Rename the ROMSTART.ROM in the DIAGS subdirectory of your Racore Driver Diskette.

3. Copy the new ROMSTART.ROM file to the DIAGS subdirectory.

4. Use the Make Flash utility to update the Flash ROM. This can be done by running MKFLASH.EXE

from the DIAGS subdirectory containing the new ROMSTART.ROM file.