Support Bulletin: 4060 Rev: A

Abstract: This document provides quick installation instructions for LANtastic/AI Windows. Installation Procedures:

1. Modify config.sys file - add these lines




Place these drivers in the Root directory of the system drive. The DXMA0MOD.SYS and DXMT0MOD.SYS drivers are IBM pc support drivers.

2. Start Windows.

3. Click on Main icon.

4. Click on File manager icon.

5. Insert Lantastic install disk #1 in drive a:.

6. Click on the A drive.

7. Select Lantastic Install program.

8. On 1st screen click on continue box.

9. Next screen shows files being copied by install program.

10. Next screen is Workstation configuration screen. At this time a unique name is given for this workstation. At the adapter card selection box select "other Netbios compatible Network adapter".

Click on GO box.

11. Next screen is continuation of install.

12. Next screen asked for disk # 2 - click on continue.

13. Next screen is continuation of install.

14. Next screen is notification of install completion.

15. Exit Windows and restart the computer.